Saturday, April 30, 2011

Set Appointments With God

Acts 3:1 "Now Peter and John went up together into the temple at the hour of prayer, being the ninth hour."

Great people of God have great habits.  Get in the discipline of prayer each day.  Your discipline will birth a habit and eventually, will become a joy and a pleasure to you.  Make appointments with God, you make appointments with everyone else.  Doctors schedule appointments, businessmen schedule meetings, and othe professional people make appointments with you.  Even your friends make appointments with you.  Start making scheduled appointments with God.  On a daily basis, find some time that you can get alone with God in your "secret place", prayer closet, or wherever you can meet with Him.  You must get in His presence daily, hear His voice daily, and cleanse your mind and heart daily.  Your success in life is contingent upon meeting with God everyday. Make the time and take the time to pour your heart out to Him.  He's waiting for you to come. Set appointments with God and Keep Them.  God Honors those who Honor Him.

Monday, April 18, 2011

God is Good

God is Good
Praying Always in Spirit and Truth

 Do you remain thankful even in the hard times?  God tells us to rejoice always.
Are You thankful continually?  Allowing the Spirit of Truth to fill you life and your heart.
It's time to walk with an attitude of grattitude.  The greatest cure for ingrattitude is loss.
The joy of the Lord will be your strength if you allow the Holy Spirit to take control of your emotions and your mind.  The Word tells us to cast down every vain imagination and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.  We are told to take every thought captive to the obedience of the Word of God.  Praise Him,  Praise Him,  Praise Him.  Psalm 100 declares;
1 Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth.
 2 Worship the LORD with gladness;
   come before him with joyful songs.
3 Know that the LORD is God, and not we ourselves       
   It is he who made us, and we are his;
   we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
 4 Enter his gates with thanksgiving
   and his courts with praise;
   give thanks to him and praise his name.
5 For the LORD is good and his love endures forever;
   his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Who's Your Daddy?

THERE IS AN IDENTITY CRISIS IN THE WORLD AND IN THE BODY OF CHRIST.  AS A WHOLE, WE DON'T KNOW WHO OUR DADDY IS.  WHO'S YOUR DADDY?, HAS BECOME A POPULAR STATEMENT.  A VERY TRUE ONE INDEED!  Our Father which art in Heaven, Jesus told us to pray Our Father, He did not refer to Him as His Father although He was his Father.  He is OUR Heavenly Father.  There is an identity crisis in our nation and across the world.  We have entered into the fields of the fatherless.   There is a lack of Fatherhood in our nation.  Everywhere across the board for one reason or another, children are being raised without the blessing and wisdom of their father in their lives.  That is not to say for some, the character and behavior of their fathers, is not worth  the wisdom or blessing that they have to impartWe are in a time where we desperatly need to know our Heavenly Father.  As a people, we need to find, get to know, and learn to follow Our Heavenly Father's direction in our lives.  Everyone needs their Heavenly Father's blessing in thier lives, in order to function and develope properly. 

  Let's look to heaven, and reach for an intimate relationship with the one who loves us more than anyone.  Humbly reach out in prayer and devotion, He is waiting for you.  Do not wait any longer.  Ask Him in today, ask Him to lead you.  He gives good gifts to His children, and wants more than anything for you to develop a relationship with H

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

God tells us to enter His gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, and to enter His courts with Praise.  We need to remain thankful.  God is big on attitiude remember Moses, his attitude when he struck the rock kept him out of the Promised Land.   Thankfulness and gratitude go a long way in God's Kingdom.  They can really make a difference in the seasons of your life.   Great achievers are appreciative and thankful.  Loss is the quickest cure for ingratitude.  Find ways to express your appreciation to God and to people.  Thank You Jesus for giving us the treasure of Yourself.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Right On Time

God is not slack concerning His promises in our lives.  The Word of God declares, the righteous have never been forsaken, and their seed have never had to beg for bread.  Praise God, that He is a Provider.  He really is an ever present help in time of need.  When the storms of life are headed our direction, we need to speak to God about the circumstances in our lives.  He has the ability to calm the storm.  In fact, He declared that NO WEAPON FORMED OR FASHIONED AGAINST YOU IS GOING TO PROSPER.  You can speak to every mountain and enemy in your life, and not let them stand in the way of your victory.  Don't let your inheritance slip through your fingers.  Believe God for it.  Go after it, and apprehend it.  God is for you, He is not against you, unless of course you're against Him.  He wants you to experience the rich joy of His salvation, and the blessings that come with knowing Him.  He is not slow, He does not leave His people forsaken.  He is a good Father, who always gives good gifts to His children.  Whatever He has promised you, you can trust Him to do it.  He is always right on time with His promises in our lives.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Why Are We Not Seeing the Power of God Displayed In Our Churches?

Why are we not seeing the power of God displayed in our churches?  A more important question to ask is, why are we not seeing the power of God in our lives?  Is it because the cares of the world have choked out the word from our lives, robbing us from the blessing that it produces.  God said we live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth, and that we are to be doers of that Word in childlike faith.  When we stop believing that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.  Believe that He is, and that He will do exactly what He says He will do.   We need to accept Him with faith like a child.  We need to be taught and trained of the Lord to be bold and expect God to meet us,. If we are walking in true fellowship with Him, He will show Himself strong.  If God is not allowed to show up in our "Western Cultured" churches,  He will raise up children from stones, and make the rocks cry out.  .  The Holy Spirit is calling you to step out and do the "greater works" that Jesus talked about.  We need to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God.  We need to learn how to communicate with God and Call for His purposes in the Earth.God is raising up children,to do great works in the last days.  If we do not allow Him to do what He chooses, He will go other places and use other people for His purposes  Why is it there is more sincerity and faith in the heart of this child playing church., than in most of the lives of the adults who claim the name of Jesus, that are also "PLAYING CHURCH".  We could learn alot if we would be more childlike in our faith and step out in boldness.