Friday, April 1, 2011

Why Are We Not Seeing the Power of God Displayed In Our Churches?

Why are we not seeing the power of God displayed in our churches?  A more important question to ask is, why are we not seeing the power of God in our lives?  Is it because the cares of the world have choked out the word from our lives, robbing us from the blessing that it produces.  God said we live by every word that proceeds out of His mouth, and that we are to be doers of that Word in childlike faith.  When we stop believing that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him.  Believe that He is, and that He will do exactly what He says He will do.   We need to accept Him with faith like a child.  We need to be taught and trained of the Lord to be bold and expect God to meet us,. If we are walking in true fellowship with Him, He will show Himself strong.  If God is not allowed to show up in our "Western Cultured" churches,  He will raise up children from stones, and make the rocks cry out.  .  The Holy Spirit is calling you to step out and do the "greater works" that Jesus talked about.  We need to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises of God.  We need to learn how to communicate with God and Call for His purposes in the Earth.God is raising up children,to do great works in the last days.  If we do not allow Him to do what He chooses, He will go other places and use other people for His purposes  Why is it there is more sincerity and faith in the heart of this child playing church., than in most of the lives of the adults who claim the name of Jesus, that are also "PLAYING CHURCH".  We could learn alot if we would be more childlike in our faith and step out in boldness.

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