Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We Have Dominion and Authority Over Circumstances Part 1

God never intended for his children to be victims of adverse circumstances, let alone victims of the devil. The devil and all the demons of hell have been defeated, and we have been brought into a life of complete authority and dominion, where we reign in life through Jesus Christ. We have been designed for a life of dominion and victory.  However many suffer and stay in bondage because of ignorance. They refuse to accept the life that God has prepared for them. They suffer what they should not be going through because they lack knowledge;  God said His people perish for a lack of knowledge. This is why the teaching of God’s word is so important.  We will begin to see who we really are. Jesus said, "and these signs shall follow them that believe; in my name if they shall drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover’’ {Mark 16:17-18}.  We have an identity crisis in the body of Christ. God's children do not realize who they are in Him and the power that works within them. Begin to declare and confess the Word of the Lord until His will and His kingdom are manifested in your life and circumstances. As God's people, our Confessions are loaded with power {Ecclesiates 8:4} therefore, let your Confessions about your life and that of your environment be words that will shape, build and establish you in prosperity, unity, peace, progress and economic stability, and also teach others to do the same.  Jesus was actually saying that with these signs, the world could recognize the new breed of men and women that would be coming on the scene. This new breed would exercise absolute mastery and authority over devils and diseases, and function with superhuman capabilities that would cause the world to marvel. You receive eternal life-the God kind of life, by virtue of salvation [John 3:16} and this is what makes it possible for you to live in complete dominion over sickness and diseases. When the life of the Spirit of God is in you, no infirmity has the power or ability to destroy your body mind or spirit {Romans 8:11}.

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