Friday, March 18, 2011

We Have Dominion and Authority Over Circumstances Part 2

Dominion by definition, comes from the Latin word " Dominus’’ which literally means ‘’Lord’ this refers to someone with sovereign power and controlover a realm or territory; it points to the kingly authority with legal right to govern a land. Dominion could thus be defined as authority with honour, that carries the rights and privileges of a king. Ephesians 1:22, says," And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him {Jesus} to be head over all things to the church which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all." Jesus is the head and we are his body. And, the Bible says all things have been placed under Jesus’ feet, from simple biology, we know that the feet are a part of the body. Now, if all things have been placed under his feet, it means as a member of the body of Christ, all things are under you. This includes all poverty, sickness, and diseases, demons and every infirmity. With this dominion, no negative circumstance can reign successfully in your life because they have all been placed under your feet; therefore, refuse to be a victim. God said, ‘’my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge…" [Hosea4:6}. Ignorance of God’s word regarding your dominion can keep you in bondage, but when you discover the truth, you’ll walk free and shake off that circumstance that plagued you in your lifetime.

In Matthew 28:18, Jesus said, ‘’…All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, go ye therefore…’’Glory to God! ALL Power in heaven and in the earth belongs to Jesus. What this is saying is that you have all power in heaven and in the earth because you are his representative (His Ambassador).
You have power over every demon of rank in this world, and they know it. Now, Jesus says, on the basis of this unqualified authority that has been vested in my name, go and exercise dominion. I have your back says the LORD. You can see this authority today over demons, diseases and death, and You can exercise it over your body as well and tell it what to do. You are the custodian of your body, which is God’s property  "…therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s’’ {1 Corinthians 6:20} so, when the devil attacks your body, command him to
expect them to comply.
let go of God’s property. Your body belongs to God; the devil has no LEGAL right to reside there.

Make up your mind never to be a victim of poverty, sickness or disease. The salvation wrought for you in Christ Jesus was perfect; you no longer need to live like ordinary human being who is subject to the limitations of this world. When the enemy tries to shows up in your life, or in the lives of those
around you, command him to go in the Name of Jesus Christ, and he will. The Bible says, ‘’for if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ’’ {Romans 5:17} To reign means
to exercise dominion. Though all men became subject to sickness and death because of sin, the bible says ‘’…much more they which receive abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ. Take authority over every life circumstance today; this because is
your right when you accept the life that God offers you. Take advantage of the grace of God in Christ Jesus, and the enemy will have no choice but to flee.

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